NOTE: Some changes, additions, or fixes might have missed or intentionally omitted, only the more mentionable things are listed!
Alright! A lot of fixes and improvements and whatnot!
Don't worry, we heard you loud and clear and added the unique weapon keybind system back to the weapon selector!
We're aware of missing detail sprites for various maps, it's a bit of a painstaking process to fix and will be rectified in the future!
* Fixed NPC's dropping badgersaw as a weapon pickup in certain circumstances
* Fixed sniper rifle not updating hold position
* Fixed NPC's running around on fire or running away from bees with the weapon still in their hands!
* Fixed badgersaw camera shake sequence still playing after jump
* Fixed player being able to get ragdolled during arrest sequence, causing issues
* Fixed flashing effect appearing on dropped weapon pickups that the player can't even use
* Fixed "Task is null! Fix it!" message being spammed in console in some circumstances
* Fixed new objective notification appearing in free roam
* Fixed weapon selector not allowing you to switch weapons in specific circumstances
* Fixed crash due to nailbat, machete, and baton usage
* Fixed machete disappearing when thrown
* Fixed broken weapon physics models for sniper, m16, nailbat, and deagle
* Fixed ultrapatch website link in tip text
* Fixed NPC headblob not being destroyed sometimes
* Fixed a crash that can occur while fighting hugo chavez
* Fixed jesus indicator counting zombie/boss kills
* Fixed player coat clipping issues (due to physx now being enabled by default again)
* Fixed being able to ragdoll/kill NPC's with certain FSM items
* Rebalanced fartgun because of it being too overpowered
* Improved player interaction
+ Added back dedicated weapon keybinds for weapon selector
* Weemote piss is now fully replenished on level load
* Rebalanced sniper rifle, increased firerate and damage
* Reverted "mat_queue_mode" back to -2 until further notice
* Reverted "physx_enabled" back to 1 until further notice
* Player can now not be ragdolled when he's taking a hostage, arresting someone, or kicking
* Free roam maps now give you maximum ammo for all weapons now
+ Added updated soup.ttf font from Zoom patch, fixing issues with translations
+ Added russian localization improvements and weapon icons (Thanks MeeMdic!)
A couple of hotfixes and tweaks to supplement the v1.0.0 release! Yay!
Special thanks to the community for some helpful feedback and testing so soon after release! You guys are the best!
* Fixed not being able to install a new ultrapatch version using the installer
* Fixed a prominent issue where the weemote could cause a crash when switching weapons
* Fixed an issue regarding shopvac saving/restoration
* Fixed not being able to knock out NPC's with spray weapons
* Fixed vaulting tutorial text on paradise dream bridge being incorrect
* NPC's get knocked out much faster by spray weapons
Initial v1.0.0 release of Postal III Ultrapatch! A metric crap ton of changes, fixes, and additions!
* Fixed semi-frequent game crashes caused by player throwing things
* Fixed gas refusing to pour sometimes after a level transition
* Fixed RPG fuel gauge getting stuck after secondary firing while charging a shot
* Fixed player random idle sequence not being reset properly
* Fixed "Personal jesus" achievement not working as intended
* Fixed "Peta Chairman" achievement not working as intended
* Fixed "Kavorkian" achievement not working as intended
* Fixed "Mega-Sadist" achievement being unobtainable
* Fixed "Real American" achievement counting towards Rhinos instead of terrorists
* Fixed camera Z view angle getting stuck in rare occasions
* Fixed MSAA breaking interaction glow outline effect
* Fixed all NPCs belonging to the incorrect faction
(Specific faction related AI behavior is now accurate)
* Fixed all NPCs belonging to the incorrect manner
(Specific manner related AI behavior is now accurate)
* Fixed numerous non-standard apostrophes in p3_english.txt that messed up text rendering in-game
* Fixed camera shake occurring when badgersaw isn't even attacking yet
* Fixed NPCs not receiving push force upon being ragdolled by segway
* Fixed being able to take a hostage with any weapon by having it selected beforehand
(You now automatically switch to the first compatible weapon upon taking a hostage if you don't already have one selected)
* Fixed cat death gibbing not being reset after getting shot from m136/rpg
* Fixed frequent player camera jittering issue
* Fixed cats getting stuck in walls and specific props
* Fixed Steam_01.vmt particle material being depthblended, causing visual artifacts, most
noticably on the main menu when it's used for dude's cigarette smoke!
* Fixed headblob getting stuck to the player upon picking up a tamed cat in some situations
* Fixed police academy cutscenes playing in the wrong order (English language specific issue)
* Fixed crash upon processing impact of cats launched out of the m136/rpg
* Fixed a crash that can occur upon attempting to redestroy an NPCs head with the fireaxe or sledgehammer
* Fixed crash that can happen when you release a hostage who already died from burning to death
* Fixed camera shake animation sequences carrying over and playing infinitely while the player is ragdolled
* Fixed NPCs continuing to speak when they're killed
* Fixed an issue where some sounds wouldn't change their pitch, but the volume instead
* Fixed player spray animation being cancelled but the spray still continuing if both primary and secondary fire are held when using catnip or pepperspray
* Fixed props below a certain mass not interrupting melee attacks, causing multiple duplicate impacts and lag
* Fixed player sometimes saying cut "on-self pissing" lines
* Fixed player move input being accepted during the snatch quicktime event, if snatched while in the badgersaw mauling sequence
* Fixed nailbat becoming unobtainable after getting stuck in an NPC that died
* Fixed player being able to sprint on-foot while riding a segway in certain circumstances
* Fixed "Fail Zombie" achievement not working as it should
* Fixed player cover input mode persisting after teleport
* Fixed player stamina slowly draining while the game is paused
* Fixed an awkward nailbat/baton animation issue
* Fixed an issue where the molotov would do multiple duplicate explosions upon hitting the ground
* Fixed animation persistence issue for hidden ragdoll NPCs
(This basically prevents a ghost version of the ragdolled NPC from doing animation events and attack traces)
* Fixed player sometimes saying cut "badger pissing" lines when attacking with the badgersaw
* Fixed throwable weapon in-hand model becoming invisible and placement restarting after the animation is interrupted by a kick
* Fixed police helicopter being able to get tased, causing it to spin uncontrollably (Very funny, almost regret patching this)
* Fixed cats getting "stuck" when hitting the ground after being thrown in some occasions
* Fixed an issue with NPC bump AI functionality
* Fixed pornworld concrete wall texture issue
* Fixed particles playing indefinitely after switching weapons while alt-fire pissing
* Fixed headblobs not being immediately removed on hidden NPCs upon ragdoll
* Fixed incorrect player throwing arm angles after switching to grenade or molotov while the current weapon is lowered
* Fixed being unable to dismember corpses of NPCs that were killed by the nailbat
* Fixed player stand up animations being almost unnoticeable after being ragdolled
* Fixed particle effects playing on reselection after holstering while pouring gasoline
* Fixed a bug where cat weapon shooting sounds would still play on previously cat-silenced weapons after player respawn
* Fixed being able to switch weapons during NPC arrest sequence and holstered the current weapon
* Fixed electricity effect being stuck on NPCs forever if hit by a taser energyball and then ragdolled
* Fixed NPC stunning sequence not ending upon ragdoll
* Fixed player attempting to shove with weapons that don't have the ability
* Fixed being able to tase NPCs that are ragdolled
* Fixed various NPC weapons dealing only 1 damage
* Fixed issues with in-game text and font
* Fixed slowmo not being disabled upon player death
* Fixed an issue where the player would automatically move without user input under specific circumstances
* Fixed an issue where emptyhands aren't properly switched to after the nailbat gets stuck in an NPC
* Fixed pistol muzzle flash attachment point
* Fixed catnip slowmotion potentially causing a usercommand buffer overflow
* Fixed dude pistol hostage reload animation being broken
* Fixed nailbat not falling off of pincushioned NPC after time
* Fixed P3_RemoveAllBoltons not removing all boltons
* Fixed a crash that can occur when grabbing objects
* Fixed hud messages breaking on screen resolution change
* Fixed an issue with InputFireFSMScriptEvent
+ Added striketraces for all melee weapons
+ Added save indicator feature, now you'll be notified of when the game saves your progress
+ Added jesus run indicator: Angel wings now appear on the karma indicator within the mission log if you haven't killed anyone
+ Added back cut shotgun pumping feature and improved functionality
+ Added back the cut sniper rifle weapon
+ Added quickselect hotkey feature for the weapon selector to make it more intuitive
+ Added back cut/unused bystander freakout player voice lines
+ Added back unused badgersaw attack sounds
+ Added mauling sounds for cat snatching
* Badgersaw piss now forces NPCs to vomit instead of being knocked out
+ Added back unused dude badgersaw pissing voice lines
* NPCs are now forced to puke if their face gets pissed on
* Replaced dude pistol firing animations with ones that exhibit reduced recoil
* Significantly improved and enhanced player kicking
* Catnip spray now triggers an auto-reload, regardless of player use
+ Added back unused sounds for loading a cat into the m136/rpg
+ Added back unused emptyhands impact sounds
+ Added back unused taser energyball firing and charging sounds
+ Added M136 ammo pickup, holster, and deploy sounds
* Significantly improved melee hit detection
* Improved boomerang machete a ton
* Improved weemote and burst fire pissing
+ NPCs can now be ragdolled upon being hit by objects launched from the shopvac
* Snatch quicktime event progress is now reset if the player doesn't attack for a certain amount of time
* Improved and fixed the quality/resolution of various textures
+ Added impact velocity based screenshake upon taking fall damage
+ Added back cut dude self pissing lines
+ Added back cut hockey mom protesting animation
* Improved player interaction
* Nailbat, baton, and machete is now automatically switched to upon pickup after being thrown
+ Added back unused NPC head explosion gibs
* Improved NPC head explosion
* Improved weemote/player piss extinguishing
* Zombie acid attacks are now handled appropriately
+ Added back and improved cut player jumping
+ Added back beta m16 sounds
* NPCs can now become ragdolled while they are getting up off the ground
+ Added hitgroup damage threshold multipliers for player ragdolling
* Overhauled M136/RPG weapon
+ Added the ability to spare hostages by kicking them away
* Significantly improved taser secondary fire
* The player and their segway angles now match "info_landmark" entities upon level transition
(As of the time of writing this, all "info_landmark" entities have yet to be properly oriented)
- Removed jarring "forward strike" attack animation for nailbat and baton
* Fixed an awkward nailbat/baton animation issue (
* The player can now be ragdolled through various means
* Improved player vaulting a bit
+ Added gamamet/fartgun back into the game and replaced the weapon selector icon with an english version
+ Added back cut/unused player save acknowledgement feature
+ Added back unused hostage death out sequence
+ Added actual camera screenshake for a variety of scenarios (car explosions, getting hurt, melee weapon hits, etc.)
+ Catnip is now able to blind NPCs
+ Added back and improved unused ability to blind NPCs with the laserpen
+ NPCs now become angry and attack the player after being blinded by them
* Improved badgersaw melee hit detection
* Made spray weapons require a direct hit on NPC faces to blind them
* Improved segway movement and boost mechanic
* Separated player cover from jumping
* "Neurosurgeon" achievement now counts non-decapitation headshots
+ Added back a lot of previously unused mission specific loading screen backgrounds
* NPCs are now unable to be arrested or taken as a hostage if they're on fire
* There is now a player weapon input delay for a short time after the snatch quicktime event
* Idiot-proofed the RPG/M136 so the player can't instantly kill themselves with it
+ Added back unused upgrade indicators on the weapon selector
+ Added blink/flashing effect to ammo and weapon pickups
* Nailbat throw trail now uses a lighter variant
+ Added player/NPC fire spreading
* Crosshair is now hidden when utilizing certain weapons that don't require precise aim
* Prevented physx simulation while the game is paused
+ "Champ Whisperer" achievement is now implemented and obtainable
* Free-roaming is now unlocked by default
+ Added stars headblob to NPCs upon taser energyball stun
* Player ragdolls immediately upon death instead of playing an animation beforehand, death voice lines removed
* Significantly reduced ignite time for props and NPCs
* Improved player weapon shoving:
- NPC detection improved
- Animation speed increased by 50%
- Player is now capped to walking speed
+ Added back cut player segway leaning
* Improved player camera offsets and FOV
* Massively improved performance
* The badgersaw now works as it did in the alpha version of the game, removed mauling sequence
+ Added back unused player taser charging gesture for alternative fire
* Player ignite duration now depends on the ignition source
+ Added light throw trail to baton weapon
+ Added back cut dude whistling for the laserpen alternative fire
+ Added and improved unused player hurt comment feature!
+ Added unused player respawn acknowledgement feature!
* More familiar default controls based on Postal 2 and Postal 4
+ Added molotov detonation screenshake, a scorch decal now appears where the molotov landed
- Removed DRM
+ Included SDK files for modders/developers
* Updated and improved pause menu UI
+ Added back and modified Half-Life 2 damage indicator
* Significantly improved balancing for weapons (NPC/Player)
* Sped up player health regeneration
* Made various missions less annoying/boring:
- Snot Wad collection quota in pw (PW_SNOTBALLS_NUM) is now 20 (40 in vanilla)
- Cat collection quota in dcr (DCR_CATS_MAX) is now 10 (15 in vanilla)
- Kill quota to progress through each area in zhqa (ZHQA_FRAGS) is now 8, 16, 21, 28 (8, 16, 28, 40 in vanilla)
- Removed annoying "al disappearance feature" on PWAC
* Improved the nav mesh for escort missions (PA, PWAC, SBE)
* Added sniper rifle weapon to various maps (PA, PWAC, MTZ, ZHQA, AA, AA1, AA2, PM2)
* Fixed a misplaced floor tile on the exterior of Porn World (Hub1 variants)
+ Added additional maps to free roam (Dog School, Daveland, Cashmart, City Hall, Grotto, Cosmetics Lab and Police Station)
+ Gave sniper rifle to venezuelan soldiers in Apocalypse Again
+ Added the Rhino back to the Cosmetics Lab's free roam variant
- Removed the bosses from Daveland's free roam variant
* Fixed a bug where entering the Grotto from Hub3 would lock the player in a loading loop
+ Gave the sniper rifle to a few of the snipers in Patrol Mission 2
+ Added cover to border gates in Homeland Insecurity, so hopefully you'll die way less if you have a brain
+ Added additional catnip pickup boxes around the map in Diseased Cat Roundup
* Fixed misaligned house trim in all Hub1 map variants
* Fixed misaligned segway store trim in all Hub2 map variants
* Fixed misplaced clip wall in all Hub3 map variants
* Fixed missing SUV in Hub2 freeroam map
* Fixed missing roadblock in Police Academy freeroam map
* Fixed floating door frames in the Gay Rodeo maps
* Fixed NPC's spawning inside of the ground in the rodeo maps